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  • mrymntcpw

If the Shoe fits...

The sneakers, described on the website where they are sold as “Bold, gold and tough, just like President Trump,” are coated almost entirely in gold — even the shoelaces — and have a “T” badge for Trump and an American flag wrapped around the collar. The site also features two other cheaper sneaker styles in red or white for just under $200, as well as “Victory47” cologne and perfume sold for just under $100.

But if you believe like Trump and his MAGA disciples that he:


“had gas prices low and the highest employment rate for all minorities, for Blacks and women... got rid of the bad guys; he killed two terrorists. He honored our military, which is very near and dear to me. He did a lot of great things for the country....”


“… halted mobs of unscreened, unvetted illegal alien migrants who were 'stampeding' across the southern border “by the millions and millions”. And that “This is an invasion and I’m the one candidate who from day one knows exactly how to stop it.”


“will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history and will also invoke immediately the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected gang members.”


“says some stupid stuff – the tweets and everything – but that doesn’t bother me because ultimately he’s an honest, truthful person. I like his personality. I like that he’s a businessman.”


“…obviously has a great respect for the rule of law and also just like he’s shown when he was in office before that he got a lot of things accomplished for a lot of people and did a lot of good things. He got persecuted and I like him even better now because of that.”

"won the 2020 election!"

"is God's appointed leader for modern America"


then "If the shoe fits, wear it!"


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